We pulled the pins around 09:15 this morning and set off into a strong head wind but at least it was dry, Clive on board Lady Arwen waved and wished us well as we passed them on there moorings. After about 45 minutes we arrived at Plank Lane Lift bridge which used to be operated by a BW bridge keeper. Alas, not anymore. A new bridge has been built and the whole area opened out, rumour has it a new Marina is to go in the wide expanse of open water to the side of the bridge. One boat was already waiting when we arrived and the lady onboard informed us she had been waiting over two hours- the new bridge had broken down. Two guys from BW were on site and trying to sort the problem but to no avail. Then, as if by magic they informed us it was fixed by a guy on his laptop in an office miles away- the wonders of modern technology. Once open off we set against a really strong cross wind which caused us to crab across the open expanse but soon the shelter of the trees and banks allowed us to travel in a straight line. Next stop was Leigh for a Tesco top up. Mooring here was fun as well because the wind wanted us to moor the opposite side of the cut but the skipper of NB Ruby dashed from his moored boat and helped me pull Shell Bell in using the centre rope. What a day this was turning out to be. Shopping done we set off once more stopping at the excellent Bridgewater Marina to top up with diesel. This was going to be a long day, our destination was Lymm so, with the wind decreasing slightly we made our way through the outskirts of Manchester past the Trafford centre and on through Sale. Around 16:30 we had a shower of rain but it didn’t last to long and we moored in Lymm around 18:00.
Today 27 miles 1 lift bridge